Monday, September 7, 2009

I Simply LOVE the Waiting Game!

How does one show sarcasm on blogs? Well, surround the above title with as much sarcasm as you can muster, please.

So we wait. I am the worlds least patient person. That's why my husband is so good for me. I've been up to my elbows in water all bloody weekend. (literally, see my other blog) Actually, it doesn't really tell what I've been doing this weekend.  It's a work in progress and I have a bunch of entries to get it caught up to present day.  In a nutshell, I've been working on my aquariums this weekend. I've had water up to my armpits and have even flooded my floor at least 3 times. 

Funny thing is, I've had aquariums all these years, and this is the first time I've ever managed to dump tons and tons of water in the floor - and I managed to do it THREE times this weekend. I think I've lost my mind.

I paid a few bills a bit ago.  This may sound crude, but honestly, money is the only thing keeping us from going down the baby or embryo adoption road right now.  I hate saying that, but it's the truth.  Paying for 2 IVFs is not freaking cheap.We did not have that money just laying around in our bank.  Neither of our familes are rich. We don't have a trust fund. We don't make a kazillion dollars a year. I do have a dead-beat dad, who could probably afford it, but  he'd rather spend excessive amounts of money on bass boats, fishing trips, campers and bailling his drug addict step-daughter out of jail.  We did not inherit $15K.  We will not inherit $15K.  We are simply the normal, average, middle class couple trying to make it each day at a time. Everything we have right now, 2 cars (one is nearing 10yrs old), home, clothes, etc, was done strictly by ourselves.  Well, we do have a bit of debt, but what bloody American doesn't?

So, until we become less-debted, there will be no family-making-attempts (fertility-wise). I know what you're thinking. I'm thinking the same thing. Why in the world would we go in debt for a child, in a time where our economy is the worst?  Why indeed?  A bit of the insanity popping out, I suspect.  If not now, when?

How many of you, have said to your husband (or husband said to you) "We'll go ahead with the BLAH, it's only $200, it may work for us"  See, that's how it starts.  ONLY $200 here. ONLY $250 there. Then it becomes, "we can't stop here, we've come so far".  The spiral continues, until you look up one day and you wonder what happened to the last 3 years and $15K.  You also wonder why your heart feels emptier and wonder if you'll ever reach the path that will lead you to the child at the end. 

Waiting. I really really really want to try Miracles Waiting. But I'm trying to be strong and not go there right now.  We must wait. Let's just let nature take it's course for a while. 

Nature has never been that good to me, however.

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