Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life...continued. Page 3

So, we've had 2 fresh IVF's and transferred a total of 6 excellent quality embryos.  We have one, lonely, embryo still frozen, 2 ugly payments a month, and an emptier heart, to show.

Yup, this sucks. I won't say the last 3 years have been easy. I also won't say that I would not do things differently.  The biggest thing that's really bothering me is the way the clinic just dropped us.  I have had a total of 2 phone calls, less than 2 mins long, with the clinics nurse, since our last IVF.  They didn't even offer to meet with us to talk about what went wrong.  Looking back at the whole process, it's very similar to an assembly line. No personal smiles, words, discussions. Everything that was said or done to us was scripted or repeated with every single patient. I truly believe they did the same exact program with every single patient. How is that possible? How could they do that?  We feel totally ripped off. Is this normal? Does anyone else feel this way?

We went through 3 years of fertility treatments, including the 2 IVFs and we don't know anything more now, than we did 3 years ago.  It's almost like everything we did in the last 3 years, to try to have a baby, were done for nothing.

Why did we still continue going to the clinic? There's no explaination, other than at the time, it felt like the right thing to do.  We live and learn, I guess.

What next?

Financially tapped. Emotionally drained. Exhausted. Frustrated. Uncertain. Confused. etc.

Knowing we had to do something, we can't just sit around and do nothing! We took MAPP classes to become Foster Parents, around April 2009.  Our plan is to ultimately have the perfect, young child drop in our lap, and adopt them.  We figured we're not really in a position to do anything else, so may as well try to expand our family through foster/adopt.  If no adoption, we've got the satisfaction of helping out some beautiful children. Plus, we have fun!

So far we've had one placement of a sibling group of 2.  They were with us for about 7 weeks and then returned home to their parents. We've had a couple of calls for other placements since then, but are being a bit more "picky".

That's pretty much the very abbreviated run through our life in the last 3 years.  I skipped over my weight loss (which is continuing!) and other stuff I can't think about right now.

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