Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Attempting to Fact Seek...

My husband and I talked over the weekend and have decided to talk with another doctor.  (I actually mentioned that I get my Christmas fund in Oct or Nov that would pay for an office visit) Anyway, I'm at this point where I just need to know. I need to know if we should be reaching for embryo adoption/donation or newborn domestic adoption.

So, I called another RE, about 100 miles away.  I left a message yesterday morning with the clinic, asking they call me back to schedule an appointment. Their message said it can take up to 2 days for a return call! Holy Cow! 2 days just to SCHEDULE an appointment?! Good grief.

Well, they called today. I briefly explained our situation. We aren't wanting to do any more fresh IVFs, we have one frozen embryo, interested in embryo donation/adoption and want to know more about what the problem is so we can figure out if we need to proceed with domestic adoption. They said an IVF nurse will call me. IVF nurse called this afternoon, I told her the same thing as the first person, and was referred to the embryo adoption/donation nurse, where I left a message for a return call on her voicemail. 

Now I wait for a callback to see who I will referred to next.  I really want a second opinion, someone to look at my records and tell me what's going on.  Are my eggs too old? Is there a problem with my uterus or implantation? We know nothing more now than we did before the 2 IVFs.  Except that we had 2 failed IVFs and are $18K poorer.  I also want to know about their embryo donation/adoption program, what's involved and if it would maybe work for us.

So, we'll see, when I get a callback, hopefully tomorrow.

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