Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life has an interesting way of showing itself.

My husband and I made a concerted effort to remain childless before we met.  It was very important for us to wait until the time was right for us to begin a family.  This time took longer that most couples, but we were ok with that. 

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I won't go into major details, you can google just like anyone. But it basically creates all sorts of medical issues that generally have to be treated individually.  Some problems it can cause: High Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistence, hirsutism, difficulty losing weight, little to no periods, abnormal hormone levels, etc.  Of course, it can also cause fertility issues. Everyone is different.

I have known most of my life, due to this condition and having no periods, that I would need "assistance" in getting pregnant. My thoughts were that I could get pregnant, I would just need a little help from the medical world.  Little did I know that life had a different path for me.

My husband and I started "trying" to get pregnant pretty much on our honeymoon April 2006.  Nothing happened so shortly thereafter, we tried Clomid.  After multiple rounds of clomid, complete with a bazillion ultrasounds, mood swings and crazy swings, still nothing. It appeared that I was ovulating on the Clomid, just no baby.

We were referred to a local fertility center where we began a more agressive approach. I'm not sure when this was exactly, maybe towards the beginning or middle of 2007. We did a few IUIs (Intrauterine Insemination). Nothing.

The fertility center did a semen check on my husband and found he had some issues with his "dudes". I believe he had low count, and just poor quality spermies. They suggested we try IVF. be continued.

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