Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hi Ya'll ! - Delving into my weight... loss

Wow, first comments. How cool is that! Thanks guys!

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I've been going to a bariatric clinic the last year or so to lose weight.  I go every 4 weeks, they check my blood pressure, give me a pep talk, give me a load of medication, and take my money.

I started going to this doctor/clinic last fall to lose weight for the 2nd IVF.  Their program worked.  The IVF did not. 

I've never been much of a dieter. I have been overweight most of my life, and have been pretty comfortable.  I have gone about life pretty much eating whatever I want and doing whatever I want.  It had not really bothered me that I'm a chunky monkey.  That is...until infertility smacked me in the face.  It all changed.  To give myself the best chance for the IVF/pregnancy to work, I knew I had to lose weight.  I was more motivated than I have ever been about anything.

I've lost 37 pounds so far! yaay! The last few visits, the weight loss hadn't been that great, so yesterday she changed some things around.  Basically I take a multi-vitamin, Fish Oil, Chromate (something_or_other) and a small dose of Phentermine.  I'm also on the normal PCOS crap - Metformin and Spironolactone. You should see my pill dispenser at work, I've got something for everyone! heh heh

I'm now 194.2 (my scale says 192). I haven't been under 200lbs in a bazillion years.  I don't believe the medication is the key to the weight loss, however.  Yes, I can tell a difference when I skip them.  But I'm learning to eat again.  I eat very few carbohydrates and I eat alot more protein.  Looking back, I was eating carbs 3 meals a day and very little protein.  Some days no protein at all. 

When was the last time you went to a restaurant and NOT order french fries? I realized I was eating certain things because I always ate those things.  I always got fries with the burger. I always got breadsticks and pasta at Olive Garden.  There are other things to eat, and there are other things on the menu.  It just takes more effort. More planning. More gumption.

Have I mastered eating better?  Not by a long shot.  Do I have bad days? Ooooh yea.  Will I keep the weight off? Holy cow, I hope so!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome about the weight loss! I know how you feel, too. I gained about 40 lbs after I got married (oops, too happy I guess!) and I never really thought about it until I realized I wasn't getting pregnant. I've lost 15-20 lbs since my heaviest, but MAN the last 20 are hard. I had to learn how to eat too. This is horrible but I calculated that I had been eating roughly 3000 calories a day before I started trying to lose weight. 3000!!!! I can't even imagine that now (except at Thanksgiving and Christmas ;) ).
    Anyway, I also started exercising and now I'm an ADDICT. It makes me feel so good. I'll never be a non-exercising overeater again. :)
